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A432 Travel Improvements logoA432 Travel Improvements


  • A432 & A4174 improvements initial consultation

    March 2022




    April 2022

    An initial six-week public consultation on proposals to improve travel along the A432, including Station Road in Yate and the Badminton Road, and the A4174.
  • A4174 consultation

    November 2023




    December 2023

    Six-week public consultation on proposals for the A4174
  • A432 consultation

    July 2024




    August 2024

    Six-week public consultation on proposals for the A432.
  • Co-design for Station Road, Yate

    February 2022





    A co-design process with community and key stakeholder focus groups has been ongoing for the development of proposals for Station Road in Yate.
  • Full Business Case submission

    Winter 2024





    Full Business Case, including a request for funding, to be submitted to the West of England Combined Authority. Dates could be subject to change depending on development of detailed designs. A4174 submission due Summer 2024, A432 submission due Winter 2024
  • Construction






    A construction programme will be developed with the detailed designs. Construction is expected to take 18 months to two years. Dates could be subject to change depending on the detailed design work and the Full Business Case submission.